KDE Service Menu Editor

KDE Service Menu Editor is a simple way of editing the right-click menus that you see when using Dolphin. It has simple but flexible way of selecting the “mime types” (type of file) that the menu should appear on. Then adding the menu is as simple as typing a name and the command

The reason I wrote this application, is because I noticed a lot of menus had not been ported to KDE4, rather than port them, I thought “why not write an application so everyone can make these menus easily.”

Version 0.2

Version 0.2 has been released with an entirely rewritten edit dialog with ease-of-use in mind. It also fixes some of the bugs that may have existed in the last release.


Python-KDE4 bindings are required.


If we wanted to make a right click menu for compressing a file with GZip we would do the following:

  1. Launch servicemenueditor.py
  2. Click Add
  3. In the box type the name so “compress”
  4. In the next dialog screen, we need to say we want to work on all files, so we select Application/octet-stream in the top box
  5. Under Name we type “Compress Files”. This is what appears to the user in the “Actions” Menu.
  6. Under Exec we type the command needed. In this case “gzip %u”


Debian packages

There are debain packages avaiable!

Enable my PPA by adding the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/david.edmundson/ppa/ubuntu karmic main restricted universe multiverse

Then you can simply run:

sudo apt-get install kservicemenueditor